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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dinner For a Week or Two...

So, as we all know down here in Denham Springs, Albertsons has blessed us by finally opening. I have many times fought the traffic and lines to score on some awesome sales so I can honestly tell you (whoever is actually reading this...) that the store is beautiful and the staff is amazing. But, I ran into a problem...

Because of these great sales, I opened up my fridge this morning and realized I had a lot of food, and limited freezer room. All together I had 5 pounds of ground turkey ($1 a pound!!) and 5 pounds of ground meat ($1.77 a pound), 8 bell peppers of all colors (4 red or yellows for $1.25! and the green peppers were $.50 a peice) and a few jars of spaghetti sauce ($1.00 a jar). So, after I thought about it, I decided to try something new (ok, I say "new" but really I got the idea from a TV show): cook several meals in one night and freeze them.

I realized that I spend anywhere from 45 minutes to a couple of hours cooking every night. I figured if I cooked it all in one night, I could save the food and save me some time in the kitchen. So, what did I get out of 10 pounds of meat?
-Enchiladas for two or three nights (tonight and tomorrow - possibly Tuesday)
-A meatloaf for two or three nights (freezer)
-8 burgers (freezer)
-8 stuffed bell peppers, (all 8 fit nice in a pan and will reside in the freezer until further notice).
-Enough stuffing for 4 more bell peppers, (freezing as well)

So, for about $30 (I had some of the ingredients in the pantry) we have dinner for 8 more nights ready to be popped into the oven with a grand total of 3 hours labor. I think I did ok! Yay!!!

One more thing, because I am about to do the dishes now, I am not going to look back for errors. If you find any, just laugh at me. I know I do. :)


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tristan got a blue at School and I Cooked a Rabbit Last Night

I was pretty tired all day yesterday and didn't get much done. That is because Trent's kitten caused me to lose an entire nights sleep the night before - long story and not blog material. I missed my walk with my friend and dinner didn't get done on time. Laundry never got put up and now I have to fold it again. This is all letting myself know my mental state (for when I read this in the future for a laugh). Pretty much my day kinda...sucked. Bad word, don't like using it, but it works. Tristan didn't have a great day either.
When Tristan got off the bus, running at me at Superboy speed, he dragged me to the couch, and sat me down. He ripped open his binder in this desperation to see what color he earned in class. Now, he has always come home with a green (A conduct) and as far as I know has never gotten fussed at at school. But as he turned to his behavioral chart, I see he has earned himself a blue (for playing during lunch). He looked at the color in disbelief, as if saying "did she REALLY put blue down??" He was so paniky, I was worried I would laugh out loud at him so I told him to go to his room and I would come talk to him. A minute later when I went into his room, he was on his bed, face down, crying. It took a good 30 minutes to get him to come around. LOL! He was so upset with himself. Oh well, When Trent was in Kindergarten, a blue day was cause for celebration!!
I also want to mention about doing homework with Tristan on Monday Tristan. Tristan always gets the entire weeks worth of homework done on Monday and spends the rest of the week studying words and practicing his writing. Well, This week he was assigned writing 6,7, 8, and 9. After tracing over the numbers he filled in the empty gaps with numbers. He always does this, makes sure there is never an empty place on the page. Well, he erased his numbers 3 times and rewrote them, complaining the letters were crooked. He eventually erased the ENTIRE sheet, put the sheet up and sulked because of his crooked letters. He said he couldn't do the assignment because it was sloppy. Hmm.... I am starting to wonder if he is a perfectionist or an over achiever.

So, about the rabbit. I told the boys I was cooking a rabbit. Trent laughed, but Tristan said he was not eating a rabbit because he doesn't eat animals. Trent laughed again, but Tristan didn't see the humor in it. I informed him that he has eaten cow, chicken, pig, fish, duck and even alligator. Boy, that didn't go over well. And after he still didn't believe me, I asked him what he thought a cheeseburger was (cheeseburgers are his new favorite food). He said, "Mom, burgers are not an animal, they are a sandwich."

But, last night when they went to bed I made Rabbit Stew. We got the rabbit from a friend of ours who raises them for meat. Matt is interested in doing that also, so this was a way for us to make sure we enjoyed the taste of rabbit meat. Although it came to us skinned and cleaned and cut up, I could still tell what parts were what. I mean, I knew the front legs and back. Thank you David for making sure I didn't see the ears. I think that would have been it for me. Anyway, I dealt with it and cooked a stew. Matt made a plate and forced me to try it. It was weird, you know, cuz rabbits are so cute adn fuzzy and cute and stuff. It was like trying your pet cat. But he made me try it, and I must say, "taste like chicken!" Wonder what I should tell Tristan...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

About Blogging...

So, I have not much of an idea what all the perks to blogging is, except I don't have to wear my hand out with a pen, yet I still can get my thoughts out. I have thought about doing this for a while, but I guess it takes a child spilling water in your bed at 2:3oam to get me to slow down enough to begin. Also, I am way too tired to try to figure out all the cool stuff that goes along with blogging, like what is a gadget? Oh well, I am sure curiosity will win me over soon enough and I will have this all figured out.

Well, hopefully I will find time to come back and keep up with this. Maybe the kids will one day like to use this to see themselves through my eyes. I know I would love to see what my mom would have to say about me growing up, LOL!

Anyway, I am going to absorb a few more pages of Harry Potter while the house is sleeping and my sheets are washing. (And if anyone is actually reading this, you probably know I am a little OCD about bed sheets. They have to be pretty clean...)

So now I am going to end this so I can figure out how to post this. Maybe the "publish post" button? Just a guess. :)